116 research outputs found

    Hyperpresent avatars

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    This paper will discuss two student projects, which were developed during a hybrid course between art/design and computer sciences at Sabancı University; both of which involve the creation of two avatars whose visual attributes are determined by data feeds from ‘Real Life’ sources by following up from Biocca's concept of the Cyborg’s Dilemma, we will describe the creative and technological processes which went into the materialization of these two avatars

    3 case studies: a hybrid educational strategy for ART/SCI collaborations

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    In this paper we report on a transdisciplinary university course designed to bring together fine art/visual communication design and computer science students for the creation and implementation of collaborative visual/audio projects that draw upon the specialized knowledge of both these disciplines. While an overview of the syllabus and the teaching methodologies is undertaken in the introduction, the focus of the paper concentrates upon an in-depth discussion and analysis of 3 specific projects that were developed by 3 distinct teams of students comprised of one artist/designer and one engineer each

    An information theory based behavioral model for agent-based crowd simulations

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    Crowds must be simulated believable in terms of their appearance and behavior to improve a virtual environment’s realism. Due to the complex nature of human behavior, realistic behavior of agents in crowd simulations is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel behavioral model which builds analytical maps to control agents’ behavior adaptively with agent-crowd interaction formulations. We introduce information theoretical concepts to construct analytical maps automatically. Our model can be integrated into crowd simulators and enhance their behavioral complexity. We made comparative analyses of the presented behavior model with measured crowd data and two agent-based crowd simulators

    A framework for working with digitized cultural heritage artefacts

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    In this paper, we present our work in designing, implementing, and evaluating a set of 3D interactive spatial measurement tools in the context of Cultural Heritage Toolbox (CH Toolbox), a framework for computer-aided cultural heritage research. Our application utilizes a bi-manual, spaceball and mouse driven user interface to help the user manage visualized 3D models digitized from real artifacts. We have developed a virtual radius estimator, useful for analyzing incomplete pieces of radial artifacts, and a virtual tape measure, useful in measurement of geodesic distances between two points on the surface of an artifact. We tested the tools on the special case of pottery analysis

    DockPro: A VR-Based Tool for Protein-Protein Docking Problem

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    Proteins are large molecules that are vital for all living organisms and they are essential components of many industrial products. The process of binding a protein to another is called protein-protein docking. Many automated algorithms have been proposed to find docking configurations that might yield promising protein-protein complexes. However, these automated methods are likely to come up with false positives and have high computational costs. Consequently, Virtual Reality has been used to take advantage of user's experience on the problem; and proposed applications can be further improved. Haptic devices have been used for molecular docking problems; but they are inappropriate for protein-protein docking due to their workspace limitations. Instead of haptic rendering of forces, we provide a novel visual feedback for simulating physicochemical forces of proteins. We propose an interactive 3D application, DockPro, which enables domain experts to come up with dockings of protein-protein couples by using magnetic trackers and gloves in front of a large display

    Using image morphing for memory-efficient impostor rendering on GPU

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    Real-time rendering of large animated crowds consisting thousands of virtual humans is important for several applications including simulations, games and interactive walkthroughs; but cannot be performed using complex polygonal models at interactive frame rates. For that reason, several methods using large numbers of pre-computed image-based representations, which are called as impostors, have been proposed. These methods take the advantage of existing programmable graphics hardware to compensate the computational expense while maintaining the visual fidelity. Making the number of different virtual humans, which can be rendered in real-time, not restricted anymore by the required computational power but by the texture memory consumed for the variety and discretization of their animations. In this work, we proposed an alternative method that reduces the memory consumption by generating compelling intermediate textures using image-morphing techniques. In order to demonstrate the preserved perceptual quality of animations, where half of the key-frames were rendered using the proposed methodology, we have implemented the system using the graphical processing unit and obtained promising results at interactive frame rates

    Augmenting conversations through context-aware multimedia retrieval based on speech recognition

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    Future’s environments will be sensitive and responsive to the presence of people to support them carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals, in an easy and natural way. Such interactive spaces will use the information and communication technologies to bring the computation into the physical world, in order to enhance ordinary activities of their users. This paper describes a speech-based spoken multimedia retrieval system that can be used to present relevant video-podcast (vodcast) footage, in response to spontaneous speech and conversations during daily life activities. The proposed system allows users to search the spoken content of multimedia files rather than their associated meta-information and let them navigate to the right portion where queried words are spoken by facilitating within-medium searches of multimedia content through a bag-of-words approach. Finally, we have studied the proposed system on different scenarios by using vodcasts in English from various categories, as the targeted multimedia, and discussed how it would enhance people’s everyday life activities by different scenarios including education, entertainment, marketing, news and workplace

    Electroencephalographic identifiers of reading abilities in turkish language

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    Fluent reading requires learning the print knowledge of alphabet symbols (letters), rapid automatic naming and phonological awareness skills. In this study, electroencephalo-graphic brain signals of 17 subjects were measured with an eMotiv EPOC+ headset before, during and after a computer-based training session. For the training, distorted letter prints were created by rotating Turkish letters 180 degrees along the y-axis. Using these distorted letters two different texts, each 150 words in length, were created. Subjects were asked to read these texts before and after the training session. We investigated whether there is an improvement in reading speed and a decrease in number of errors due to the computer-based training and whether we can correlate the success of training with any characteristic of any EEG brain signals. Based on our analysis of the EEG data collected throughout the experiment, we observed that the frequency modulation across resting states in the Theta at the Broca Area (F7 and FC5) predicts individual reading performance measures. Even though there exist a variety of studies indicating a relation of Theta band power and learning performance, EEG measurements with eMotiv EPOC+ had not been previously reported with a Turkish alphabet learning task